Our Schools
At D.C. Everest, students are immersed in a STEAM learning environment that helps students develop the skills employers are looking for: critical thinking, investigation, creativity, problem-solving, determination, collaboration and communication. Further, students drive the pace of their learning. If a student shows early mastery of skills and concepts, they concentrate on more challenging work. Students who struggle aren’t penalized for needing more time to learn — they receive instructional support until they demonstrate proficiency. And our strong partnerships with business leaders, chambers of commerce, entrepreneurs and the community provide our students with the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned and “test the waters” to see if their chosen path is a good fit.
Senior High
D.C. Everest Senior High recognizes the final years of our students’ secondary education are critical to ensuring students are successful upon graduation. It’s our role to challenge, encourage and guide them as they put the finishing touches on the academic, career and life skills they need for the 21st century.
Our Portrait of a Graduate program relies on a diverse array of research-based criteria — the breadth and depth of coursework, extracurricular activities, standardized test scores, grades, third-party certifications, work-based learning experiences, community service, and the ability to demonstrate soft skills within and beyond the classroom — to help students set academic goals based on their personal and professional aspirations, and assess their progress toward those goals.
- Courses arranged according to 16 Career Pathways
- Emphasis placed on critical STEAM* skills
- Certification options in nursing, health services, child care, business, agriculture, tech ed, marketing, automotive and construction
- Honors, grade advancement, independent study, Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement and advanced coursework options at university and technical colleges
- Laude system (Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude)
- Digital Academic and Career Planning tools help students select courses based on career path and identify two- and four-year colleges suited to their interests and track community service and work-based learning hours
- Required financial literacy course ensures students are prepared to manage their finances
- Students with disabilities receive services through our Special Education program, are placed in the least restrictive environments based on individual needs and are provided college- and career-ready Individual Educational Programs (IEPs)
Our business partners play a critical role in our curriculum development — helping us formulate new courses for relevant and high-demand jobs.
D.C. Everest believes giving students the opportunity to explore careers through a variety of course, work-based learning and extracurricular options is critical to helping them explore who they can become and how to achieve their dreams.
- Two dedicated staff members help students acquire internship, job shadowing, apprenticeship and volunteer opportunities
- 55 students (and counting) participating in youth apprenticeships
- Career and Technical Student Organizations build leadership and employability skills
- Courses provide hands-on learning that replicates 21st century work environments in engineering, advanced manufacturing, agriculture science, automotive technologies, culinary arts, metalworking, welding and woodworking
- Home to three award-winning student-led businesses: DECA Depot, Everest Expressions and Everest SpiritBox
- Home to Evergreen Enterprises, a student-led manufacturing business class where students produce unique metalworking projects for clients across the U.S. while gaining hands-on skills in product design, CNC manufacturing, finishing and coating, welding and fabrication, shipping and receiving, Website development, advertising, marketing and finance
- Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Inc. winners include: 3 Student Initiative Awardees, and 26 Student Excellence Scholars
- Construction Trade students build a Habitat for Humanity home each year
- New Culinary Lab provides students with hands-on experience using industry-standard equipment
“It was an excellent opportunity for us to try teaching as juniors and seniors in high school instead of discovering after four years of college that our career path wasn’t a good fit.” — Kasaundra Fellner commenting on our “Teachers Change Lives” course, which includes instruction, practicum experience and college portfolio development.
Our diverse extra-curricular options allow students to hone their physical, artistic, social, emotional and citizenship skills.
- 996 students participating in academic co-curriculars
- 631 students participating in athletic co-curriculars
- Award-winning student literary anthology “Point of Convergence” named Most Outstanding High School Literary Magazine
- The SMART (Students Modeling A Research Topic) Team works closely with the Milwaukee School of Engineering on 3D biomolecular models and research
- Our Oral History Project has produced more than 30 comprehensive publications
- DCE Performing Arts’ productions have received numerous Tommy Awards
- The DCE Senior High student newspaper — The Jet — has won 15 consecutive first place awards from the American Scholastic Press Association
- Our Math, Mock Trial and USASkills teams and musicians routinely place top in the state
- Diverse travel abroad opportunities offered
- 97.8% seniors graduated
- 95% of AP Calculus BC students earned college credit
- 626 students took an AP exam with 66% scoring 3 or higher
- 181 NHS members representing 12.8% of grades 10-12
- 20.1% Laude graduates
- 90% of graduates enrolled in Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment courses
- 18 (and counting) Advanced Placement (AP) courses
- 36 (and counting) Dual Enrollment (DE) courses
- 108 DCE Grads earned 138 Industry Recognized Credentials in the class of 2023
- 3 students have earned the Global Scholar Distinction via Wisconsin DPI
Blue = DCE
Orange = WI
Gray = Global
6500 Alderson Street, Weston, WI 54476 715.359.6561 www.dce.k12.wi.us/seniorhigh
What are we up to now? Visit our website [insert QR code] or Facebook page [QR code] for the latest news and accomplishments.
DE = Dual Enrollment credit at Northcentral Technical College
AP = Advanced Placement; students can earn college credit with a 3+ score on AP exam
A World of Opportunities*
Agriculture Apprenticeship
Agriscience/Technology Internship
Introduction to Agriculture
Introduction to Vet Medicine DE
Large Animal Science DE
Plant Science DE
Practical Mechanics
Small Animal Science
Small Engines
Advanced Art 2D
Advanced Art 3D
AP Art
Art Explorations 2D
Art Explorations 3D
Art Foundations
Design Studio
Graphic Design 1
Lights, Camera Action
Photo 1
Accounting I & II DE
Advanced Accounting III & IV
Advanced Marketing DE
AP Computer Science Principles
App Design
Business Management
Business Internship DE
Computer Hardware
Creative Marketing Solutions
Finance DE
Finance II
Finance Apprenticeship
Game Design
Girls Who Code
Graphic Design/Printing Apprenticeship
Hospitality and Tourism Apprenticeship
Information Technology Apprenticeship
Marketing Foundations
Marketing Apprenticeship
Marketing Principles DE
Microsoft Office Essentials DE
School Based Enterprises
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Web Design DE
Advanced Writing for the Masses
American Studies
AP Language & Composition
AP Literature & Composition
Creative Writing I & II
English 10
English 10 Honors
English 11
Media Literacy
Popular Trends in Literature I & II
Written Communications DE
Writing for the Masses
Careers with Kids DE
Consumer Education
Exploring Health Careers
FACE Internship
Food Science and Nutrition
Foods I, II & III DE
Medical Terminology DE
Parenting and Family
Success in Action/FCCLA
Health Apprenticeship
Young Adult Medicine
Algebra II
Algebra II Honors
Algebra III DE
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
Applied Calculus DE
College & Career Ready Math
Foundations of Algebra I
Intro to Geometry
Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry
Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry BC
Concert Choir
Everest Singers
Evergreen Orchestra
Gold Orchestra
Jazz Ensemble
Symphonic Band
Wind Ensemble
DCE Enterprise
Innovation and Creation
Student Council
Teachers Change Lives
Phy Ed
Advanced Strength & Conditioning
Adventure & Outdoor Pursuits
Adventure Education
Dance & Fitness I - II
Fitness for Life
Independent PE
Introduction to Strength & Conditioning
Lifeguard Training
Net/Racket Games
Personal Defense I - V
Strength Development & Wellness
Team Sports
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics C: Mechanics DE
Chemistry Honors
Chemistry in the Community
Environmental Action Research Project
Food Science and Nutrition
Human Biology DE
Physics- Conceptual
Physics – Traditional DE
School Forest Leadership I – III
WI Natural Resources
20th Century America
American Studies
AP Comparative Politics
AP European History
AP Human Geography
AP Macro Economics
AP U.S. History
AP Psychology
AP World History
Criminal Justice
Current Events - Crime & Justice DEEquity and Social Justice
Global Studies
Personal Finance and Economics
Social Studies Research Seminar
Sociology DE
Sports and History
Advanced CAD DE
Advanced Machining DE
Advanced Welding DE
Architectural Design DE
Architecture and Construction Apprenticeship
Automotive Powertrain Systems
Automotive Service Fundamentals DE
Automotive Support SystemsConsumer Car Care
Careers in Engineering
Construction Trades DE
Engineering Design
Intro to Welding & Machining
Manufacturing Apprenticeship
Metalworking Project Development
Power Sports DE
Small Engines
STEM (Engineering) Apprenticeship
STEM Robotics
Technology/Agriscience Internship
Transportation Apprenticeship
Wood Manufacturing I – III DE
Advanced Marketing DE
Business Internship DE
Family/Consumer Science Internship
Technology-Agriscience Internship
French I – VI
German I – VI
Mandarin Chinese I – II
Spanish I - VI
Junior High
The D.C. Everest Junior High plays a pivotal role in students’ lives — helping students navigate diverse course offerings as they begin to explore career options and prepare for the transition to high school. As such, we place an emphasis on work-based and hands-on learning opportunities giving students the freedom to explore their interests while developing academic, career and life skills critical to their success.
- Our STEAM* culture focuses on developing skills crucial for 21st century careers: communication, collaboration, innovation, problem-solving, investigation, critical thinking and creativity.
- Honors options for all core classes, Laude and Advanced Placement course options
- Innovation Center houses engineering labs
- Robust computer science offerings
- Art courses include digital, graphic design, video options
- Opportunity to earn Global Education Achievement Certificate
- Personalized learning classroom options
- Digital Academic and Career Planning tool helps students choose courses suited to their career interests and helps them plan for post-secondary military, career and educational options
- Students with disabilities receive services through our Special Education program, are placed in the least restrictive environments based on individual needs and are provided college- and career-ready Individual Educational Programs (IEPs)
The DCE district is only one of a handful of schools in the state to offer an Advanced Placement course for freshmen. In 2020, 63% of our students scored a 3 or higher on the AP exam, as compared to 60% of students in Wisconsin and 51% globally. In addition, 11 DCE Junior High students scored a perfect 5 on the AP exam in 2020.
We take pride in offering unique courses you may not find in other districts. Our curriculum is designed to suit evolving student interests and in partnership with local businesses to ensure we provide new courses for relevant and high-demand jobs.
- Mandarin. Develop critical communication skills in Mandarin Chinese, one of the oldest continuous languages in the world.
- Art Exploration 3D. Explore 3D design using metal, clay, wire, soapstone, plaster and found objects.
- Everest Entrepreneurs. Assisted by local business mentors, develop a business idea, construct a business plan, forecast future earnings, conduct market research and pitch your plan to a panel of investors.
- Introduction to Video Production. Become a member of a film/video design team and craft screen-effective group and independent narrative film and video projects.
- Graphic Design. Design logos, posters, ads, magazine spreads and business cards while studying design principles, typography, page layout and digital image creation.
- Action Civics. Students go beyond the classroom and take an active role in civic engagement — choosing community events and movements to get involved in.
- Tech and Engineering courses. Six courses allow students to delve into construction, design, modeling, manufacturing, woods and transportation engineering projects.
- Fitness, Food, and Nutrition. Empower yourself by learning how to prepare healthy meals, set fitness goals, develop a wellness plan and explore training principles.
- Concordia Language Villages Immersion Camp. Immerse yourself in another culture for a weekend at a world-renowned language camp.
Students are actively involved in collecting and managing food, clothing and personal items for families in need that are distributed through our on-site Food Pantry.
- Our partnerships with local businesses and organizations provide students with opportunities to explore a wide variety of careers and gain experience from experts in the field.
- Student Adventure Days allow students to choose a day-long activity or field trip to explore a personal or career interest
- Students join community members for an annual Civil War reenactment
- Everest Entrepreneurs vie for startup funds from a panel of local business leaders in a Shark Tank event
- Local businesses and organizations partner with us to provide work-based experiences for students of all abilities
- Student-led DECA Depot business on campus
- Robust FFA opportunities
“Our students have grown up with Fortune 500 companies in their backyard without having a feel for how influential those companies are. Business tours help them realize that they don’t have to be located in Silicon Valley or a major urban center to make a difference — and they open students’ eyes to the endless opportunities before them.” Jim Dahlgren, Business Education instructor
Our students play an active role in the community as volunteers and mentors. We also actively involve them as student mentors with younger students in the district. For example, each year fifth grade students are invited to our Innovation Center to design and build model rockets under the guidance of freshmen engineers.
Students also advocate for the establishment of a diverse range of clubs to suit their passions and interests. We are home to more than 20 extracurricular clubs ranging from the Oral History, Gaming and Advanced Books clubs, to Project Unify, Ski/Snowboard and Outdoor clubs.
A large number of our students have been cast and crew members in the Tommy Award-winning D.C. Everest Performing Arts’ musical and dramatic performances.
Middle School
At the D.C. Everest Middle School, it is our responsibility to help students transition from elementary to secondary education, provide them with robust support as they assume more responsibilities and help them navigate expanding social circles.
Our Bridge to Middle School program helps students transition to a new environment while making new friends.
Built to replicate a village, the layout of our school is designed to help students transition to a new environment, while providing them with collaborative and independent learning spaces that help them develop skills crucial for 21st century careers: communication, collaboration, innovation, problem-solving, investigation, critical thinking and creativity.
At the heart of our school is the “market” — a large, open community space flanked by our theater, library and computer labs. “Streets” (hallways) radiate from this central space leading to our performing arts and technical education sectors, as well as our seventh grade and sixth grade wings. Within each wing, students are grouped into miniature communities — or houses — for their core academic courses, providing them with a peer group support network. To ensure students form relationships outside of their house, non-core classes are integrated across grades and houses.
STEAM* culture provides hands-on, collaborative and work-based learning opportunities
Digital Academic and Career Planning tool helps students choose courses suited to their career interests and helps them plan for post-secondary military, career and educational options
Students with disabilities receive services through our Special Education program, are placed in the least restrictive environments based on individual needs and are provided college- and career-ready Individual Educational Programs (IEPs)
Our Maker Movement focuses on 21st century skills and promotes creativity and problem solving in students. Our MakerSpace provides students with the opportunity to create, innovate and explore their interests using a combination of the latest technologies (robots, computer programming, 3D printing) and do-it-yourself tools (hardware, sewing machines, good old-fashioned glitter).
Houses help students adjust to the secondary setting — providing a smaller support community within a larger school. Each house has a set group of teachers who lead the core academic courses for that house. The house teachers meet on a weekly basis to discuss their students and adjust instruction as needed.
Our partnerships with local businesses and organizations provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and career fields.
Every student participates in a real world career exploration exercise that includes resume preparation and an interview with a local professional
One student house established a community garden and native restoration project that is now managed by all students and used as an outdoor classroom
Our Interactive Community Garden Project allows students and their families to learn about gardening and nutrition while growing fresh produce in a small amount of space at home using containers we provide and the Square Foot Gardening method. Students participate in Mind Trekkers — working together with undergraduate and graduate students from Michigan Technological University to explore the wonders of science, technology, engineering and math.
Our students learn the value of good citizenship through student-led outreach and fundraising efforts for our community and beyond.One such example is our Cooking to Connect Club where students finesse their culinary talents, flex their marketing skills and make a positive impact on the community. As a student-led club, members determine what food products to produce, how to package and market them to staff and students, and select a local charity of their choice to receive the proceeds they earn from their sales.
Students have the opportunity to participate in 9 extracurricular sports and 17 clubs, developing crucial social skills while exploring their own interests. We have a diverse range of clubs — from Junior Optimists and Yearbook to Fishing Club and Student Council.
Every student has the opportunity to participate in our after school Boys and Girls Club. The club provides students with qualified, caring staff and mentors in a safe environment designed to help them learn about the importance of character, community, education and diversity.
Our school garden serves as an outdoor classroom! The fresh produce raised by our students is served in our cafeteria on a seasonal basis and is a staple at our smoothie bar.
Elementary Schools
The D.C. Everest Area School District is home to seven elementary schools, each dedicated to ensuring every student has an equal opportunity to discover and develop his or her unique talents while acquiring critical life, academic and social skills that will prepare them for the greater responsibilities and challenges of secondary education.
The state-of-the art facilities at Mountain Bay Elementary, a 2017 National Blue Ribbon School Awardee, are surrounded by expansive green spaces and the Mountain Bay Trail which are used for outdoor learning and activities.
Every student enters the classroom with different backgrounds and experiences that influence their academic preparedness. To help students prepare for elementary education, we offer free developmental screenings for pre-K children and a forward-thinking, comprehensive and rigorous 4K program.
In our K – 5 programs, we help students discover their potential and abilities by:
- Providing hands-on learning opportunities that help them develop critical 21st century skills — the ability to communicate, collaborate, think critically and creatively, investigate, innovate, solve problems and persevere
- Allowing students to choose a flexible learning space where they learn and work best
- Personalizing learning and allowing students to choose which instructional method suits them
- Securing digital learning tools on each student iPad that can be calibrated to a student’s unique learning style and abilities
- Empowering them to choose how they demonstrate what they have learned
- Screening students to identify who would benefit from more challenging academic options, assistance or intervention programs, and behavior or mental health supports
D.C. Everest is the only district in the region to offer an accelerated and differentiated curriculum for intellectually gifted elementary school students. The Advanced Learner/Challenge Magnet Program is housed at Riverside Elementary.
Odyssey Elementary School is a multi-aged community emphasizing competency and project-based learning.
Our elementary schools encourage students to explore interests beyond the classroom by providing them with a variety of extracurricular enrichment opportunities that utilize critical, imaginative and problem-solving skills. Each school offers a unique collection of student clubs that provide students with the chance to explore and share their independent interests — ukulele, gaming, chess, LEGO engineering, Rubik’s® Cube, writing, math, babysitting, books and more.
We help students share their interests with their families and community members by hosting events that bring people together — whether it’s exploring math and celebrating our diverse cultures or competing in engineering challenges.
Weston Elementary’s student-maintained Meditation Garden serves as a science classroom and as a quiet space to teach students social-emotional strategies that can help them stay focused, reduce stress and anxiety, and build self confidence.
As the "school on the hill," Rothschild Elementary’s school forest provides students with expansive views of the community, walking trails and a unique outdoor classroom to study sustainability and the environment.
Evergreen Elementary’s Maker Space and Multimedia Lab offers students opportunities for creative, hands-on problem solving and a real-life news studio.
We also encourage students to build interpersonal and leadership skills by playing an active role in our community. Our elementary students have taken the lead on a wide variety of service projects including those that help elderly members of our community, honor the dedication of others, commemorate local history or assist families in need.
Our STEAM learning environment treats students as creators, innovators, makers and entrepreneurs and encourages them to make a positive impact on the world around them.
Hatley Elementary is a 2021 National Blue Ribbon School with a school and community garden that plays an important role in hands-on learning. It’s maintained by students and staff, used to demonstrate lessons in math, reading, science and social studies, and its fresh produce is often added to the daily lunch menu.
By creating a supportive and challenging environment that allows students to learn, explore and grow, we can help them discover their abilities and develop the skills to make the most of their potential.
Evergreen Elementary
1610 Pine Road
Rothschild, WI 54474
Hatley Elementary
417 Emmonsville Road
Hatley, WI 54440
Mountain Bay Elementary
8602 Schofield Avenue
Weston, WI 54476
Odyssey Elementary
4704 Camp Phillips Road
Weston, WI 54476
Riverside Elementary
R12231 River Road
Ringle, WI 54471
Rothschild Elementary
810 First Street
Rothschild, WI 54474
Weston Elementary
5200 Camp Phillips Road
Weston, WI 54476
IDEA School
The D.C. Everest Area School District provides students in grades 6 – 12 with a unique educational opportunity to study in a student-directed, project-based learning environment at the D.C. Everest Idea School.
The D.C. Everest Idea School has earned a “Significantly Exceeds Expectation” rating from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. LEARN
At D.C. Everest Idea School, our students learn through a combination of self-selected and teacher-led in-depth study. Designed around a project-based instructional model, students are tasked with generating their own research under the guidance of their instructor and advisor. Students are challenged to develop their understanding of self-selected topics while developing crucial 21st century skills such as communication, problem solving, collaboration and creativity.
Four full-time instructors work with a maximum of 72 students, providing students exceptional access to one-on-one and small-group instruction.
We significantly outpace other Wisconsin schools in student achievement and on-track postsecondary readiness and scored higher in English Language Arts and Mathematics achievement than the state average.
This non-traditional instructional model provides our students with the opportunity to work at their own pace and the flexibility to conduct in-depth studies of subjects they are interested in. Establishing relationships with subject-matter experts (mentors) is an important part of this model.
Our close-knit community has established strong partnerships with local business and organizational leaders who routinely share their expertise with students through on-site visits and interactive field trips.
While students have the opportunity to explore their interests through their self-directed projects, they also are tasked with sharing their projects with the student body and community at large. Throughout the academic year, we host Project Palooza events wherein students showcase their projects and take questions from the greater community.
Students develop communication, leadership, collaborative and social skills through a variety of extracurricular options and by taking an active role in our community. Community service is an important component of students' education at Idea. Every year, students demonstrate good citizenship by volunteering with local service organizations or by performing individual community service. In addition, student’s individual projects often incorporate a community service component.
The Idea School is designed for students who thrive in a project-based learning environment, are curious, independent, self-motivated, innovative, passionate and prefer a close-knit instructional setting.
Our students are empowered. They direct their own learning — leading to endless possibilities.
Early Evergreens Program
Our program is dedicated to providing high quality, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to all four-year-old children. In partnership with early childhood professionals, our program provides a safe and nurturing environment in which children can first explore their interests and develop social and emotional skills, critical thinking, creative and academic skills to help them become life-long learners.
As a collaborative community-based 4K program, a certified early childhood educator implements The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool to ensure consistent learning experiences across the program at each of our partner sites. Instruction is concentrated on:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social studies
- Language development
- Social-emotional development
- Cognitive development
- Physical development
- Arts
- English language acquisition
D.C. Everest offers free developmental screenings for pre-K children to assess their speech/language development, fine and large motor skills, vision/hearing and overall learning readiness.
We work with our 4K partners to provide appropriate class size and ratios to ensure students receive optimal time with their teachers.
We provide enrichment opportunities that help students explore their interests — and learn more about our community — while building critical personal, social, leadership, emotional and academic skills. Classrooms embark on field trips to the school forest, view live performances at the Grand Theater, travel to a local pumpkin patch and interact with community helpers who visit our classroom.
The D.C. Everest 4K program is offered at locations throughout the District. Busing is offered for the morning classes.
Family involvement is a critical step toward each child’s success in school, thus we provide ample opportunities for families to participate in the 4K program. Throughout the school year, we host several family events, which touch on many areas of learning, where children and their families can participate in activities together. We also encourage family members to serve as classroom helpers and volunteers.
Orientation sessions provide parents and children with the opportunity to visit their classroom and meet their teacher.
School News
D.C. Everest announces first semester Honor Roll
Three D.C. Everest Senior High students — Julian Traska, Catherine Harmon and Shiloh Burgess — performed at the Wisconsin Choral Directors Association Honors Weekend.
Ninth graders enrolled in the “Foundations of Leadership” course at the D.C. Everest Junior High will close out the semester-long course by completing a service project on behalf of patients served by the Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation.
One Student Earns Perfect Score and Currently Ranks First in the State.
Four D.C. Everest HOSA members and their HOSA advisor Miranda Ritger, DCE Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher, attended the HOSA Fall Leadership Conference hosted at Epic Systems in Verona, Wisconsin.