Distinguished Alumni
It is the privilege of the D.C. Everest Alumni Association to recognize the recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award — persons who have excelled in their profession or made a positive impact on their community.
Distinguished Alumni
Beth Kohnert graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 2006. Beth earned her Associates Degree in Human Services from Northcentral Technical College and her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services from UW-Oshkosh.
Upon graduating from D.C. Everest in 1997, Alaric Piette joined the U.S.Navy with the goal of becoming a Navy SEAL. In 1998, his goal became a reality and he reported to SEAL Team TWO in Virginia Beach, VA. Alaric deployed with SEAL Team TWO twice — once prior to September 11 and once after.
Andrew Becker graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1989 and went on to earn a bachelor's degree in communications from Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) in 1993. During his years at D. C. Everest Andrew lettered in football, track and field and orchestra and subsequently participated in football and track and field at Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) where he again lettered in both sports. During his college football career Andrew was named most outstanding freshman player, was elected twice as all-MIAC was also named team co-captain his senior season.
I am a proud graduate of DC Everest High School, class of 1995. After high school, I attended UW Eau Claire receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice. I worked briefly for the Dane County Sheriff’s Office before returning home to work for the Wausau Police Department in 2000
Carol (Hettinga) Bassuener is the assistant director of Residence Life for the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse.
Chad Felch graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1990, where he played defensive back for the football team that won State in 1989. He went on to earn BS degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Following graduation from D.C. Everest High School in 1962, where he earned All-Conference and State awards along with letters in both wrestling and football, Chuck Geurink earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1966 from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Chris Osswald graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1980. While at D.C. Everest Chris earned letters while participating in football, wrestling and track. After D.C. Everest, Chris went on to the University of Wisconsin Madison on an Athletic scholarship earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications.
Chris Peterson graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1990, where he earned All-Conference and State awards in football. He went on to earn a BS in Biology from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Chuck graduated from D.C. Everest in 1985. During his time at Everest he lettered in Wrestling, Football and Track and was a state Wrestling Champion in 1985. Thereafter he attended the University of Minnesota where he was a Big Ten Wrestling Champion in 1990.
Dan Zagzebski’s commencement speech at his DC Everest graduation in 1980 said “Live each day to your Fullest” and he has certainly followed that direction. Dan’s inspiration for this statement came from his High School classmate Ray Pozorski who died his junior year of cancer.
Dave is well known as one of the very best and most creative photographers in our area. Anyone who has had the experience of working with Dave knows of his energy and charm. He is one of the lucky ones who does what he loves. Dave first learned his photography skills in 5th grade when Don Rahne introduced him to a camera.
After graduating from DCE, Dave attended Milton College where he was the starting quarterback for four years, lettered in baseball, and earned a Marketing Management degree.
Dennis graduated from UW-Madison and then returned to the Everest area to serve as a teacher and coach at D.C. Everest (DCE) from 1976-2004. During his tenure at DCE, he was recognized as the district teacher of the year (1989).
Don Hintz became President of Entergy Corporation on January 1, 1999, responsible for Entergy’s 67 gas-fired power plants, 10 nuclear power plants, 7 coal-fired power plants, 5 hydro-electric plants, 15,000 miles of transmission lines and worldwide power plant development and construction.
Jim wasn't the best student while he was at DCE, but he was instrumental in starting dual enrollment with NTC. He graduated from NTC from the welding program before he graduated from DCE. He got a welding job right after he graduated high school, but joined the Marine Corps right after 9-11 happened. During his time in the Marine Corps, he was deployed twice.
Jeff Zollpriester graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1976. Jeff played baseball for D.C. Everest and was a 3-year Starter. After graduating from high school, he began his career in the grocery industry. Jeff became store manager of a local grocery store in 1980, and in 1988, he became partners in the Quality Foods store located on Business 51 in Schofield.
Jon Felch, Class of 2000, is president of J & D Tube Benders in Weston, a custom manufacturer and distributor of tubing and tube assemblies for customers around the world. In addition to his full time employment at J & D, Jon joined the D.C. Everest High School Varsity Basketball coaching staff in 2016 as the head Junior Varsity Coach and an Assistant Varsity Coach.
Joshua Dickerson attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1996-2001 graduating with a double major in zoology and philosophy. While at the UW-Madison, Joshua competed in track & field and football.
Judy graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1966. She completed four years of undergraduate studies at UW Madison and then one year at the University of Illinois in Chicago. She graduated from the University of Illinois in Chicago in 1971 with a degree in Pharmacy. Judy was employed by a number of pharmacies throughout the Rhinelander area.
Kathy Persen Still is a 1984 graduate of D.C. Everest High School, where she was fully engaged in the school's academic, athletic, and music programs. Prior to graduating in the top ten-percent, she captained the marching band’s color guard, led the band as drum major, and lettered in three sports.
Dr. Kristine Gilmore graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1986 and earned a bachelor’s in education from UW-LaCrosse. Her master’s and doctorate in Educational Administration were attained at Edgewood College.
Marty Gustafson is the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the Division of Continuing Studies (DCS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where her team supports 3,000 students and faculty in UW-Madison’s 80+ online and accelerated professional degrees and certificate programs.
Melissa Langbehn graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1980. She earned a journalism degree from UW-Oshkosh and began her broadcasting career in Central Wisconsin.
Born and raised in Rothschild, Wisconsin, Michael Salsieder was part of the D. C. Everest graduating class of 1970.
Ms. Tietz received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, her master’s degree in Health Services Administration from the College of St. Francis, Joliet, Illinois.
After her 1967 graduation from D. C. Everest, Patricia Newby-Richter spent several years in the travel industry. From 1971-73 Pat and her husband, Joe, spent time in the Philippines with the United States Peace Corp. They again returned to the Philippines as missionaries in 1984 to work in agriculture and organize a church.
On April 1, 1980 Patrick D. Braatz made history with his election to the D.C. Everest Area School District Board of Education as the youngest person ever elected to the Board at the age of 18, Braatz was a Freshman in college at the time of his election.
Dr. Phil Schoenborn graduated from D.C. Everest in 1967. He lettered in football and wrestling. He went on to earn an undergraduate degree in 1973 from UW-La Crosse in Biology.
Sarah Kamke has served her community and the school district with distinction. She was the first woman to be elected to the Schofield City Council in 1977 and was later the first woman elected as Schofield City Mayor.
After graduating from D.C. Everest in 1986, Scott received his Bachelors of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. From there he continued his education and went on to complete his Masters of Art and Masters of Philosophy in Design History from the Bard Graduate Center in New York, City. Scott is currently completing his dissertation at the Bard Graduate Center on the life and work of Frank Lloyd Wright’s secretary, Eugene Masselink.
Stacey Marcell is a licensed arborist, degreed horticulturalist and advocate for the environment. Upon graduating from D.C. Everest, she attended the UW-Madison and earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Horticulture with a minor in Business Management. Three weeks after graduating from the UW, she relocated to Connecticut where she worked for SavATree.
Susan Reetz graduated from D.C. Everest High School in 1981. She went on to earn a BA and an MA in Communication from UW-Stevens Point where she also taught scriptwriting. She was named the 2005 UWSP Division of Communication Alumna of the Year for her commitment to the field of communications and for her efforts in helping others.
Tim Seeley is one of those “slash” people…a writer-slash-artist. He has drawn a number of different comic book series including G.I JOE, HALLOWEEN, WILDCATS and ANT-MAN & WASP.
Todd graduated from D.C. Everest in 1985 where he lettered in football, track, and was very active in band. He earned a bachelor's degree in Broadfield Social Studies from UW Eau Claire in 1989, earned a Master's degree from UW Superior in Education Administration in 1996, and is currently enrolled in the doctoral program at Edgewood College.
Todd K. Martens is a Circuit Judge in Washington County, Wisconsin. He graduated from D.C. Everest Senior High School in 1980. After attending the University of Wisconsin—Marathon Center for two years, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Wisconsin—Madison in 1984, received a Master’s Degree in Psychology there in 1985, and a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1988.
Bill Fish graduated from D.C. Everest in 1968. He began working at McDonald's in Schofield in 1966, which his dad managed. He continued to work there after high school while attending NTC. In 1974, along with his father and 2 brothers, he opened a McDonalds Franchise in Marshfield, WI.
Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form