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Advanced Learner Program


D.C. Everest Advanced Learner/Challenge Magnet Program

D.C. Everest is home to the only Advanced Learner/Challenge Magnet Program for elementary students in this region. 


Kevin Kampmann- Principal

Jessica Krautkramer- Administrative Assistant

About the Advanced Learner Program

D.C. Everest is proud to host the DCE Challenge Magnet Program for advanced learners in grades 2 - 5. Students selected for the program attend Riverside Elementary, where they participate in an accelerated and differentiated curriculum where instruction focuses on higher level cognitive skills, problem solving, logic, and creativity. Students qualifying for placement in the program need to acquire academic knowledge quickly, apply knowledge in creative and productive ways, and demonstrate a strong desire to learn.

The district has established an Advanced Learning Committee in order to A) better identify students who would benefit from advanced academic opportunities; and B) expand advanced learning opportunities. As part of that process, the District implemented a new advanced learner screening process to ensure we identify students with demonstrated levels of academic competence and those who exhibit the potential for high levels of competence but may be underperforming for their ability level. By screening for both demonstrated competence and high levels of potential, we hope to better identify students who may benefit from a more challenging academic option.

Keyboard, iPad and note pad on a desk


Timeline for the 2025-2026 School Year

Thursday January 2- Friday January 31, 2025
Nomination Period for Students currently in Grades 1-4

Monday, January 27, 2025
Informational Meeting for Parents.

Friday, January 31, 2025
Nomination forms are due

Once Nomination Received

March 14, 2025
Screening Period

Friday, April 4, 2025
Parents are notified with screening results

Monday, April 14, 2025
Informational meeting for parents of all students accepted in the Advanced Learner/Challenge Magnet Program:

  • 5:00 pm Riverside IMC.
  • WebEx option also available for parents: 
    • Join by meeting number
    • Meeting number (access code): 2496 959 8450
    • Meeting password: mNPh8Pp4ku7

Monday, April 21, 2025
Deadline for parents to notify the principal and Administrative Assistant by e-mail for those students accepting placement into the Advanced Learner/Challenge Magnet Program.

Advanced Learner Nomination Information

A Letter from Principal Kampmann

The nomination period will open January 2, 2025 for the D.C. Everest District’s Advanced Learner/Challenge Magnet Program.  Parents and teachers are encouraged to nominate students in 1st through 4th grades who have demonstrated advanced academic capabilities.  

Riverside Elementary houses the District’s Challenge Magnet Program which services selected students in grades 2-5. This program is designed with an accelerated and differentiated curriculum.  Instruction time will emphasize higher level cognitive skills, problem solving, logic, and creativity.  Students qualifying for placement in the program need to acquire academic knowledge quickly, apply knowledge in creative and productive ways, and demonstrate a strong desire to learn.

Nominating your child is the initial step in this procedure.  Enclosed you will find a list of traits common to intellectually advanced students which may assist you with the decision to nominate your child.  If after reviewing the information enclosed you would like your child(ren) considered for the program, complete the attached nomination and parent inventory forms and return them to your school office by Friday January 31, 2025.  

If you need additional information to decide if you should nominate your child(ren), an informational meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 27, 2025 beginning at 5:30 PM at Riverside Elementary School, 166543 River Road, Ringle, in the IMC.  You can also attend this meeting virtually via WebEx.  The intent of this informational meeting will be to provide an overview of the program, to explain the screening/testing procedures, and to address your questions and concerns.


Kevin Kampmann, Principal
Riverside Elementary School

Nomination Information